What is humor's value in evolution?

Humor is a technique to avoid conflict through making people equal.
  Humor is a branch of interest. Humor is the emotion that appears when interest's interpersonal actions are appraised. However, that it excludes the part that causes guilt is a point of complexity.
  Only animals that require highly social relationships have humor.
  Animals which live in groups have to share their territory with each other, hence a dominance hierarchy in which the alpha resolves conflicts. Human beings added humor into this. Humor allows territories to overlap without a hierarchy through false attacks on each other. Humor means equality.
  If someone is so sensitive about being attacked that they interpret weak or false attacks as real attacks, that person's relationships will not go smoothly. If someone cannot make a close relationship with others, cannot trust others thoroughly, that person may not have experienced enough pranks during his or her childhood.
  Only human beings have humor, but some apes may have humor.
  When a gorilla, which was taught sign language, was asked the color of a white towel it answered that the towel was red. It gave the same answer even when asked many times. However, when the researchers looked more closely they found a red thread on the towel. This behavior might be humor as a false attack if this is considered an assertion of the researcher's oversight.