
Q45.What is surprise?

A.Surprise is a response in which thought and motion suddenly stop. The third basic emotion is surprise. When we are surprised our eyebrows raise, our forehead wrinkles, our eyes open wide, and our mouth becomes round. This facial express…

Q46.What is confusion?

A.Confusion is a response when you are surprised and need to act. Confusion is an emotion that branches out when the situation causes one to be surprised. Confusion is also called puzzlement, bafflement or bewilderment. We stop moving and…

Q47.What is anger?

A.Anger is an urge to defend against intruders. The fourth basic emotion is anger. Anger is an emotion that branches out from interest depending on the situation. Anger is an emotion for defending one's domain against enemies that intrude…

Q48.What is shame?

A.Shame is a response in which one is angry with oneself. Shame is an emotion which branches out from anger depending on the situation. Anger occurs when actions or thoughts are interrupted, and anger calls for action to break it. However…

Q49.What is contempt?

A.Contempt is an attitude where one is angry but does not act on the anger. Emotions which branch from anger are also contempt, dissatisfaction, indignation, resentment, frustration, and impatience. Contempt is an emotion that branches ou…


A.怒りの予測が【不平不満】 不平不満は、怒りから予測による分岐をした感情です。 苛立ち、いらいらしているともいいます。怒りが、知性の予測作用によって生み出されたものなのです。 不平不満は、怒りを押さえねばならない場面があって、それが避けられ…

Q51.What is indignation?

A.Indignation is an urge to be angry through sympathy. Indignation is also called sense of injustice. Indignation is an emotion that branches out from anger caused by sympathy. For example, if you see a child crying and being bullied by a…

Q52.What is resentment?

A.Resentment is an attitude of continuous anger. Resentment is an emotion derived from expecting to feel anger. Resentment is also called grudge, or bitterness. Resentment is the state in which a memory of anger is linked with a targeted …

Q53.What is frustration?

A.Frustration is a response in which one is angry and attacks one's self. Frustration is an emotion which branches out from anger depending on the situation. Frustration is similar to vexation, or chagrin. Frustration is typicallly associ…

Q54.What is irritation?

A.Irritation is a feeling when we expect something frustrating. Irritation or impatience is felt when we can't remember the answer to a question on a test but time is almost up, or we are not making progress on studying for an upcoming te…


A.危険から身を守る反応が【恐怖】 5番目の基本感情が恐怖です。 恐怖は興味から状況による分岐をした感情です。怖いものはすべて興味の対象なのです。そのため、ライオンやチーターを草食動物がつかず離れずにいたり、チンパンジーやヒヒが大きなニシキヘ…


A.【恐怖】の喪失が【安心】 恐怖の派生感情に、安心、不安、畏怖などがあります。 安心は、恐怖やその予測である不安が喪失することによります。恐怖から喪失による分岐をした感情です。たとえば、飛行機に乗っていて、激しい揺れがあり、その後おさまると…


A.【恐怖】の予測が【不安】 不安は、恐怖から予測による分岐をした感情です。試験の前、暗闇、孤独などのとき生まれます。未知の世界へ入るとき、初めての外国旅行なども不安です。恐怖の予測が人を不安にするといえます。 それにより、行動をより慎重にさ…


A.【恐怖】に対する無行動が【畏怖】 畏怖は、恐怖から状況による分岐をした感情です。恐怖ですが、逃走、抵抗などがありません。むだな逃走、抵抗をしないことにより体力を温存し、恐怖の判定が誤りであったときにとっておくのです。 畏怖は、圧倒的な強さ…


A.勇気は愛と希望と恐怖の混成感情 恐怖と対立するものが、勇気です。 勇気とは恐怖を押さえて行動することで、恐怖に打ち勝つことです。恐怖に無関係な勇気はありません。恐怖をまったく感じなくなると勇気ではありません。恐怖を意識しつつ、恐怖の行動で…