Q35.What is fun?

A. Fun is a feeling expressing a satisfied state of interest.

  Fun is related to interest and infatuation, for example, it is fun to do things with friends or spend time with a lover. Fun is felt when one's interest or infatuation is satisfied. Fun is the emotion branching out from interest's or infatuation's appraisal.
  Therefore, if you lose interest and infatuation in life you cannot enjoy doing things.
  If you feel fun you will smile. This expression is a signal of acceptance.
  This smiling out of fun has the effect of showing off their ability to others, especially to the other sex. For men, a woman's smile is very appealing, but in comparison a man's smile is less appealing. It is not that there is no appeal, but depending on the circumstances, you may feel that it is a silly smile. This may be the same for women. A smile is a stronger signal for the other sex than for the same sex.
  Fun makes a person more active, but on the other hand, less careful. It lowers wariness and increases the amount of actions.
  Fun decreases reservation towards others and makes you act more boldly. Creative ideas have been proven to emerge easily in fun. Fun is the state of successfully acting on an interest, so helps to expand your range of interest, and territory.